Team Member – VA Claims Insider
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Photo of Chris Faria-Berrios

Chris Faria-Berrios

Veteran Coach

A little about Chris

Chris nació y fue criada en Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Su objetivo es servir a los demás y ha estado en roles de liderazgo la mayor parte de su vida. Lo que más disfruta Chris es ayudar a otros crecer y lograr cosas que nunca creyeron posibles. Chris se unió a las Reserva (Army) en 2012 como reparadora de equipos de generación de energía (91D), y durante ese tiempo asistió al ROTC y fue comisionada como segundo teniente (2LT) en el 2015 como Policía Militar.

Chris comenzó como cliente de VA Claims Insider y eligió trabajar para nosotros porque estaba buscando una carrera en la que pudiera ayudar a otros y obtener un sentido de propósito que cree que todos estamos buscando. Chris es una veterana discapacitada 100%; algunas de sus discapacidades fueron agravadas por el servicio y otras ocurrieron durante el servicio. Ella cree de todo corazón que no hay mejor comunidad para servir que la comunidad de veteranos.

'Servir es un acto que carga a las personas con energía positiva y trae luz al mundo que a veces ve un poco de oscuridad'.

Born and raised in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Very outgoing and into nature and sports (softball and soccer). I aim to serve others and help in any way I can. I've been in leadership roles most of my life. The one thing I enjoy most is helping others grow and achieve things they never thought possible.

I chose VA Claims Insider because I was looking for a career where I could help others, that since of purpose we all search for. What better community to help than the veteran community. I am a disabled veteran, some disabilities aggravated by service and others that happened during service. I am currently sitting at an 80% disability rating. I am a VACI client getting excellent help from amazing coaches to increase my rating.

Joined the Army Reserves in 2012 as a 94D (Power Generation Equipment Repairer. During that time, I attended the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). Commissioned as a 2LT in 2015 as a Military Police Officer.

During my time in service, I learned and developed my passion to serve others. I've learned that helping others is an act that improves the quality of life in general. If you give your time, you don't end up with less; on the contrary, it multiplies and enriches you, like a mathematical rule that is difficult to explain. Giving is an act that charges people with positive energy and brings light to the world that we sometimes may see a little bit dark.

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